Refuel & Recharge

March 27, 2017

This past Saturday I woke up to breakfast in bed followed by a day to myself. Mamahood was hard this week, so a day to myself was much needed. For me nature is the place where I recharge. So off to nature I went. In the Bible, time & time again we see Jesus going up to the mount of olives to pray. Getting away from the hustle & bustle of the world & refueling.
I found myself in La Jolla at a beach trail I had always wanted to hike but never been able to do as it is not kid friendly. So being child free I decided to seize the day & go for it. Boy am I glad I went! It was absolutely gorgeous. The ocean off in the distance, surrounded by wildflowers everywhere was just breath taking. The hike took about twenty minutes & ended on the beach. There is something about being in nature surrounded by so much beauty that just rocks me to the core. With every breath, I just feel embraced by my Heavenly Father & stand in complete awe at the beauty which surrounds me.
The beach was perfect. No crowds, just some surfers, a tiki hut, sand & sunshine. My kind of beach. So I climbed up to the tiki hut took in the view, & found a spot to set up camp. It was so relaxing to just lay out & take in the scenery without having to worry about any littles being swept out to sea. I was so relaxed in fact, that I took a nap on the beach. I can’t remember the last time I napped on the beach, Definitely pre children. 
So I want to encourage you to take time for yourself no matter the season you’re in. Taking time to refuel & recharge is so good. Trust me you will come back to reality ready to conquer the world! I soaked up the sun, read my bible, prayed & came back home feeling refreshed. Now I’m ready to take on this new week & pour into my family & love them better. On another note I am planning on posting some of my favorite free things to do in San Diego, who would love to here about our favorite spots? Enjoy your week & take some time for yourself…you know you want to šŸ˜˜


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